
The USA dedicated server hosting service enables the user to set up their own dedicated server. A dedicated server is essentially an operating system, network, security tools and applications for use with a web server. It is typically used to run various business applications such as databases, email, webmail, databasesContinue Reading

A managed hosting service can also be referred to as a web host company that uses multiple servers to host many different websites for business, governmental and personal use. The advantages of using managed hosting are the lower cost and the benefit of having multiple servers available at any givenContinue Reading

The Advantages of Using a Managed Hosting Service There are many advantages to be had when going with a managed hosting service. With a managed hosting service you can choose exactly what you want, how much you want to pay and the way you want to pay. When you payContinue Reading

Advantages of Managed Hosting Service If you have thought about the advantages of a managed hosting service, you will soon be faced with the realization that they are beneficial to all sorts of businesses. The main advantage of a managed hosting service is that they provide their customers with theContinue Reading

Pros and Cons of Using a Dedicated Server Dedicated servers are a great way to cut costs in your business. You need to be aware of the pros and cons and what you get with the package. Let’s start with the pros of using a web host rather than buildingContinue Reading